Description:Humans are the only intelligent beings that exist today.
Our intelligence has allowed us not only keep us in a hostile universe to life in nature; Appears that our future as a species is no longer dependent on the processes of natural selection. We have developed cultures, science and technology, for the first time ever, allow us to manipulate our nature whim.

The documentary takes us through the history of human evolution, from the appearance of man on earth. 

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Tags:Man´s, evolution, Natural selection, Atapuerca, Australopithecus, Cromagnons, Neanderthals, Homo Sapiens, Bio-genetics, Brain, Hands, Language, future, how will be the future, discover the future, inventions of the future, future cars, future cities, future food, future people, humans, future humans, future animals, future civilizations, civilization, genetic, universe, discovered, new atlantis, atlantis, documentary, full documentary

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